Dr. Miriam Hillman, PT, DPT, CKTP
October is both Opioid Awareness and National Physical Therapy Awareness Month so Professional Physical Therapy and Training is getting the word out!!
As many people are aware, over the last 15 years there has been a significant increase in prescription and misuse of opioid medication for chronic pain. With this increase in opioid medication, we have seen a staggering increase in opioid abuse, addiction, overdose and death. This increase in misuse and abuse, is in large part due to people simply not knowing where to turn when in pain.
Physical Therapy has been strongly recommended by the CDC as one of the first and primary forms of treatment when dealing with musculoskeletal pain, along with physicians who offer non-opioid based treatment.
The APTA (American Physical Therapy Association) has created a campaign entitled #ChoosePT as well as created an online opioid awareness tool kit. The resources provided in this toolkit help to clearly identify key reasons why you should #ChoosePT rather than turn to long term use of opioid medication.
To show our support for the #ChoosePT campaign and upcoming Opioid Awareness Month, Dr. Miriam Hillman PT, DPT, CKTP from Professional Physical Therapy and Training and Dr. Kristin Cardomone D.O are teaming up to offer a free seminar entitled How to Avoid Opioid Medication in an Athletic Population this coming Tuesday (9/26/17) at 6:00pm within the Kroll Conference Room here in the Madison YMCA.
This lecture will explain both the #Choose PT campaign in more detail highlighting how physical therapy and not opioid medication can treat orthopedic injuries/chronic pain.
Dr. Cardomone will present alternative forms of non-opioid based therapies for pain management that range from medications to injections. Please join us for this extremely important and pertinent lecture…we hope to see you there!
If you want to learn more about the #ChoosePT campaign and/or the online tool kit, please visit the link here.
Feel free to contact Professional Physical Therapy and Training at 973-270-7417 or stop by the office with any questions.