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Category Archives: Exercise

17 Wed

Summer Travel Part II: Tips for long plane and car rides

Summer Travel Part II: Tips for long plane and car rides WRITTEN BY:  MICHELLE MILLNER, PT, DPT, OCS We love to sit. The problem is we aren’t designed to sit for very long periods of time. Our joints stiffen up, muscles get weaker, our lungs can’t expand as they...
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09 Tue

How can physical therapy help with pelvic floor dysfunction?

How can physical therapy help with pelvic floor dysfunction? Written By: Dr. Yuchin Chang, PT, DPT, OCS When people think of physical therapy, the image of exercising in the gym often comes into mind.  Not many people know that physical therapy can help pelvic floor dysfunctions, such as...
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26 Tue

Lower Crossed Syndrome

Lower Crossed Syndrome Written By: Dr. Paul Kochoa, PT, DPT, OCS, CGFI Sitting.  We all do it.  But sitting too long can cause problems.  One of them is lower crossed syndrome.  It’s analogous to the upper crossed syndrome that I mentioned in my previous post. Basically it’s an...
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